Insurance partners Pollyanna Deane and Chris Finney have submitted a response to HM Treasury’s Call for Evidence for the Review of Solvency II. Our submission reflects the views of our respondents drawn from across the industry, large and small, retail and commercial, Lloyd’s market and reinsurance firms. We are grateful to the insurers and reinsurers that were kind enough to discuss the Call for Evidence with us and help us to prepare this response.
On 23 June 2020, the Government announced that it would review certain features of the prudential regulatory regime for insurance firms, known as Solvency II. This call for evidence is the first stage in the review of Solvency II, with the aim of ensuring that the UK’s prudential regulatory regime for the insurance sector is better tailored to support both the unique features of the sector and the UK regulatory approach.
Our findings include:
To read the submission in full please click here