The Women and Equalities Committee is holding the third evidence session as part of its inquiry into the use of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) in discrimination cases on Wednesday 23 January. The Committee will question legal experts with direct experience of dealing with employee discrimination complaints, and with knowledge of how NDAs are used in such cases. Jane Mann, Partner and Head of Employment at Fox Williams, is one of four witnesses at the oral evidence session, taking place at the Palace of Westminster. You can watch this live on 23 January at 9.50am on

Following its recent inquiry into sexual harassment in the workplace, which recommended that the Government should clean up the use of NDAs in sexual harassment cases, the Women and Equalities Committee has launched a new inquiry to look at the wider use of NDAs in cases where any form of harassment or other discrimination is alleged.

Areas likely to be covered include:

  • how NDAs are used when settling discrimination cases and why they are so widely used in this way
  • accessibility of good legal advice on individual NDAs
  • the role of lawyers in preventing misuse of NDAs
  • whether the use of NDAs should be banned or restricted to prevent misuse
  • what safeguards and systems could be implemented to prevent misuse.

The full set of witnesses are:

  1. Kiran Daurka, Discrimination Law Association, and Partner, Leigh Day
  2. Baroness Kennedy of The Shaws QC, Director, International Bar Association Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI)
  3. Jane Mann, Partner and Head of Employment Group, Fox Williams LLP
  4. Julie Morris, Employment Solicitor and Head of Personal Legal Services, Slater and Gordon.


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