Fox Williams’ HR director Blair Wright has been promoted to partner. Together with chartered accountant and COO Jeremy Gubbay, who was promoted to the partnership in May 2018, the firm’s partnership now includes two business services professionals together with more than 30 lawyers.

Blair, who has a law degree, joined Fox Williams from a media company in early 2018, and is a chartered member of the CIPD. She is also a committee member of People in Law and a trustee of Steel Warriors. Her achievements since she joined Fox Williams include putting in place a sponsorship scheme for the firm’s lawyers, developing the firm’s wellbeing and diversity and inclusion initiatives and establishing a refreshed approach to recruitment.

Senior partner Paul Osborne said: “I am delighted that our ABS structure enables us to promote to the partnership outstanding colleagues who are not lawyers. Blair has made a hugely impressive contribution to the firm since she joined us two years ago and has transformed our HR programmes. With an increasing emphasis on the firm’s core value of Our People, and the challenges we all face in the post-Covid 19 world, our HR team has never been in more in capable hands.”


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