Our white-collar crime defence team assists and advises clients on the risks and implications of criminal issues and investigations.
In our experience, the lines between criminal, regulatory and civil proceedings are becoming increasingly blurred, particularly in the UK where regulatory authorities such as the FCA are now more comfortable utilising the criminal powers at their disposal and often work in tandem with the SFO or the US Department of Justice.
With our experienced team of leading practitioners that combines different legal disciplines and experience, we offer our clients a bespoke defence team covering all aspects of such criminal investigations and proceedings.
Our track record includes defending corporates and individuals in some of the most notable and high-profile prosecutions whilst guiding them through these proceedings when they arise.
Our experienced team has expertise in all areas of law connected with financial crime, including bribery and corruption, breaches of the Money Laundering Regulations, corporate manslaughter and health and safety investigations and prosecutions, insider dealing, sanctions, fraud and complex internal investigations, public inquiries and inquests, as well as independent reviews.
We advise and represent public and private businesses, financial institutions, executives, senior management, boards of directors and other individuals.
We also have specialist knowledge in all aspects of professional regulation and discipline, including issues of probity and fitness to practice. Amongst others, we represent solicitors and barristers, accountants, those in the financial services sector and healthcare professionals facing investigation and disciplinary proceedings.
Our team is known for going the extra mile and for being calm, thorough and commercial in their approach.
We understand that reputation management is key for our clients and we ensure that our approach and response is sensitive to this objective.
If you require assistance or need advice, please don't hesitate to reach out to the following key contact:
Acted for a Money Laundering Reporting Officer of a bank in relation to a FCA investigation into alleged criminal breaches of the Money Laundering Regulations.
Advised a director of a public oil company in relation to a FCA insider dealing criminal and regulatory investigation.
Acted for individuals in relation to the criminal investigations and proceedings bought against Barclays Bank Plc and others relating to the 2008 capital raisings from the Qatar Investment Authority.
Acted for a large retail brokerage firm subject of a FCA and police investigation in relation to allegations of bribery and money laundering by a trader.
Advised in relation to a high profile criminal investigation in the UK and the US relating to HP / Autonomy, together with related UK and US civil proceedings against various corporate entities and related UK executives.
Acted for senior individuals in relation to the SFO investigations into Rolls Royce Plc, Unaoil, Serco, LIBOR / EURIBOR, and ENRC.
Advised various corporate clients on sanctions issues.
Acted for (including at trial at Southwark Crown Court) a senior director of Alstom, in relation to the largest ever prosecution for bribery bought by the SFO in the transportation industry.
Advised a private equity firm in relation to liaising with the police regarding a former employee and a serious criminal allegation.
Advising an individual in relation to the Met Police’s investigation into the Grenfell Tower fire.