This webinar was co-hosted by Fox Williams & Essex Court Chambers and was part of London International Disputes Week (LIDW).

It is rare for the Supreme Court to consider arbitration matters. 2020 saw two very significant decisions: Enka v Chubb and Halliburton v Chubb. These will, to a greater or lesser extent, shape English arbitration for many years to come. 

The questions remain (a) which of the two cases will prove to be the most significant in the long-run and why, and (b) how do they impact on London as an arbitration centre and stand up to international comparison.

Moderated by partner, Peter Ashford, the speakers included:

  • Colin Liew, Essex Court Chambers Duxton (Singapore Group Practice)
  • Iain Quirk QC, Essex Court Chambers
  • Sarah Vasani, Addleshaw Goddard 


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