If you’re buying a brand, stock, stores or other assets from a distressed seller or its administrator, what are your essential legal considerations?

Our expert panel focuses on the following key points for potential acquirers:

  • What are the advantages/disadvantages of buying assets from a distressed seller before they enter into a formal insolvency process?
  • What are the differences between buying assets from a distressed seller or from a solvent seller?
  • The importance of due diligence given the lack of meaningful warranty protection.
  • Third party consents including the release of bank security.
  • If employees are involved, does TUPE apply?
  • What are the risks involved in “Phoenix Trading”?
  • Other practical tips: what should a buyer do to acquire assets at a favourable price while limiting legal risk?

The discussion is led and chaired by partner Stephen Sidkin with partner Paul Taylor and associate Georgie Glover, who advise on commercial and corporate issues for businesses in the fashion sector.


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